Ecosistema Único para el Registro Operacional Metrológico, EUROMET.
CENAMPrototype of an online database accessible via the Internet to enable users to consult and use the data generated during the calibration process of mass flow meters and volume flow meters in the Mexican primary standard for liquid flow measurement (Patrón Nacional de Flujo de Líquidos, PNFL) located at CENAM. All data available is related to every single element used during the calibration process (valves, sensors, certificates, photos, results, ...) and could be consulted as an “Encrypted Output”. Sample: Prototype of an online database accessible via the Internet to enable users to consult and use the data generated during the calibration process of mass flow meters and volume flow meters in the Mexican primary standard for liquid flow measurement (Patrón Nacional de Flujo de Líquidos, PNFL) located at CENAM. All data available is related to every single element used during the calibration process (valves, sensors, certificates, photos, results, ...) and could be consulted as an “Encrypted Output”. Sample: Prototype of an online database accessible via the Internet to enable users to consult and use the data generated during the calibration process of mass flow meters and volume flow meters in the Mexican primary standard for liquid flow measurement (Patrón Nacional de Flujo de Líquidos, PNFL) located at CENAM. All data available is related to every single element used during the calibration process (valves, sensors, certificates, photos, results, ...) and could be consulted as an “Encrypted Output”. Sample:
Very nice presentation! But why EUROMET? I think it could be confuse with EURAMET, I suggest ECOMET or other name. It is a very complete system and it looks very useful, as well for INM´s; but how long can you take for implementing in order to adecuate or fit for magnitude and factories. How much? Good loock!!!
Very nice presentation Angel. Congratulations! My question is: the EUROMET was created to be used at the CENAM´s Flow laboratory. Are you thinking in making use of your experience and transferring similar systems to the industry?
Very nice presentation Angel. Congratulations! My question is: the EUROMET was created to be used at the CENAM´s Flow laboratory. Are you thinking in making use of your experience and transferring similar systems to the industry?
Very interesting presentation. Any errors that could have been made could quickly be corrected in all traceability. Thanks for your presentation! Unable to open the sample link
Good work Angel, congratulations. How many metrologist participate with you in your development?, How many time do you spent in the development?. Thanks.
Excelente aporte, muy interesante la propuesta, felicitaciones. Me gustaría saber si además de la encriptación has considerado el uso de firma digital.
Excellent contribution, very interesting proposal, congratulations. I would like to know if you have considered the use of digital signature in addition to encryption.
Connectivity can be very good for metrology, but must also be managed to minimize or avoid network-wide problems that could or may arise.
Dear Angel, interesting proposal, my question is: What could be professional skills for managing this type of application?
thank you for your presentation it is very enriching. I would like to know the competences that the system requires to manage it?
También felicitarlos por el video tan simple y didáctico!. Me gustaría conocer un poco más de información acerca de áreas donde se haya implementado PNFL SYSTEM, en especial en laboratorios de industrias de alimentos.