đSIM-MWG-14 invites you to participate in the annual conference 2024 âMetrology for Digital Transformationâ to be held virtually on October 9th and 10th, 2024.
Digital transformation is an increasingly important process for the competitiveness of countries and the generation of social and economic welfare. This requires not only the development of technology, but also the establishment of mechanisms for collaboration and coordination between public, private and civil society actors in the digital environment, through a systemic and comprehensive approach that ensures the generation of public value and promotes the generation of economic and social value for citizens, businesses, organizations and society in general.
The digital transformation in metrology enhances and multiplies the impact of metrology and opens new possibilities for metrological development and innovation. Furthermore, metrology is expected to undergo a transformation with significant changes in its concepts, in its services and in the use and application by different users.
It is necessary to know the advances and challenges that occur in the different actors of the metrological field in an environment of digital transformation. Therefore, we invite not only National Metrology Institutes, but also calibration laboratories and industry to share and exchange their experiences and advances.
This year the conference will focus on the following topics:
Digital Quality Infrastructure
Digital Metrological traceability
BIPM Forum Metrology and Digitalization
Metrology for AI
đ We look forward to seeing you on October 9th and 10th , 2024 from 15:00 to 18:00 UTC.
Time (UTC) | Topic | Speaker |
15h00 |
Welcome and opening |
Javier Arias SIM President |
15h05 |
Introduction to the block: â1st BLOCKâ Digital Quality Infrastructure |
Alexis Valqui International QI Expert |
15h10 |
Accreditation for Digital Transformation: Opportunities and Challenges. Presentation |
Carlos EchevarrĂa SAE |
15h30 |
Advancing Digital Transformation in the Americas: Collaborative Efforts in QICA Presentation |
Kory Eguino COPANT |
15h50 |
Standardization and Accreditation in Digital Quality Infrastructure: A Measurement Science Perspective Presentation |
Blair Hall Chair of APMP - New Zealand |
16h10 |
Q&A |
Alexis Valqui International QI Expert |
16h25 |
Coffee break |
16h40 |
Introduction to the block: â2nd BLOCKâ BIPM Forum Metrology and Digitalization |
HĂ©ctor Laiz INTI - Argentina |
16h45 |
Secure and Trustworthy AI Presentation |
Louise Wright NPL - United Kingdom |
17h05 |
Harmonizing DCC and DRMC Presentation |
Martin Koval CMI - Czech Republic |
17h25 |
FAIR for Metrology Presentation |
Robert Hanisch NIST - USA |
17h45 |
Q&A and Closing Remarks |
HĂ©ctor Laiz INTI, Argentina |
Time (UTC) | Topic | Speaker |
15h00 |
Welcome and opening |
Rodolfo Souza CAHIR SIM-MWG14-M4DT |
15h05 |
Introduction to the block: â3rd BLOCKâ Digital metrological traceability |
James Fedchak NIST - USA |
15h10 |
Traceability challenges for intrinsic, deployable standards Presentation |
Barbara Goldstein NIST - USA |
15h30 |
Provenance in the context of metrological traceability Presentation |
Ryan White NRC - CANADA |
15h50 |
Metrological Timelines for visualizing and digitalizing metrological traceability Presentation |
Charles Ehrlich NIST - USA |
16:10 |
Q&A |
James Fedchak NIST - USA |
16h25 |
Coffee break |
16h40 |
Introduction to the block: â4th BLOCKâ Metrology for AI |
Rodolfo Souza CAHIR SIM-MWG14-M4DT |
16h45 |
Historical Perspective of AI and the impact of IA in Metrology |
Rodolfo Souza INMETRO - Brazil |
17h05 |
Explainable tinyml: creating distributed knowledge in industry 5.0 Presentation |
Claudio Miceli INMETRO, Brazil |
17h25 |
Q&A and Closing Remarks |
Rodolfo Souza INMETRO, Brazil |
Broadcast Spanish
Day 1 - October 9th
Day 2 - October 10th
Broadcast English
1st Block - Digital Quality Infrastructure
2nd Block BIPM forum Metrology Digitalization
3rd Block Digital Metrological Traceability
4th Block Metrology For AI
Meet our speakers.
We will continue to add speaker details to this page as we get closer to the event.

Alexis Valqui
International QI ExpertDr. Alexis Valqui Haase
Peruvian-German consultant on quality infrastructure, development policy, agricultural development and trade.
Alexis Valqui received his PhD (Dr. sc. agr.) from the University of Hohenheim, Germany in 2002 in Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences in the Tropics and Subtropics.
From 2000 to 2016 he worked for the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) in Braunschweig, Germany.
From 2000 to 2004 as project coordinator for Quality Infrastructure projects in Latin America and the Caribbean.
From 2004 to 2007 he was seconded as Senior Advisor in the division Globalization, Trade and Investment at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development being responsible for Economic Partnership Agreements and Quality Infrastructure programs.
From 2007 to 2016 he was Head of "Technical Cooperation in Latin America and the Caribbean" at PTB.
Since 2013 he has been the editor of the annual magazine "De acuerdo! La ciencia a tu medida" www.revistadeacuerdo.org
Since 2017 he has been working as a consultant based in Lima, Peru.

Javier Arias
SIMJavier Arias studied Electrical Engineering at the Universidad TecnolĂłgica de PanamĂĄ (UTP). he finished his carrier as an Electrical & Electronic Engineering at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC), where he also got a Post degree in Mathematics. Later, he earned a MasterÂŽs Degrees in Strategic Logistic Management & International Trade at the Universidad Latinoamericana de Comercio Exterior (ULACEX) & Diplomados on Trade Strategic Management and Strategic Management on Human Resources n the XXI Centuty.
He has been certified in ISO/IEC 17025, ISO/IEC 17043 & ISO 19011 international standards. At a professional level, from 1991 to 2021, Mr. Arias worked as a Sales Engineering Manager at Samsung Electronics Panama, later as a Regional Manager at Samsung Latin America. He worked as a Regional Sales Director at Global-Star Satellite Communication Company; as a Commercial Manager at INTERNATIONAL HARDWARE DISTRIBUTORS; and as a Quality & Business Developer Director for GATE TECHNOLOGY & INTER-NATIONAL COMPUTERS; all international companies. Besides, he also managed a small family business in the Technology sector.
Since 2011, he has been working as the General Director of the CENTRO NACIONAL DE METROLOGĂA DE PANAMĂ (CENAMEP AIP), PanamaÂŽs NMI, to promote the metrological & Quality Infrastructure of the country.
At a voluntary level, nationally, he participates in different catholic groups & he is the actual President of the Panamanian Night Worshippers. Internationally, he has been part of several Ad Hoc committees of the Sistema Interamericano de MetrologĂa (SIM) since he joined CENAMEP AIP, He is a member of the SIM Steering Council since 2019 y was elected SIM President in 2022.

Carlos MartĂn EcheverrĂa
SAE, EcuadorCarlos MartĂn EcheverrĂa Cueva has a Doctor in Strategic Business Administration from the CatĂłlica University of Peru; Commercial Engineer with a mention in Productivity, Public Accountant, Computer Engineer from the Escuela PolitĂ©cnica Javeriana University of Ecuador; Master in Quality Management Systems from the Central University of Ecuador; Master in Management from the Institute of Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales (IAEN) and Master in Information Technologies with a specialization in Digital Transformation and Innovation from Hemisferios University.
He has work experience in public and private institutions, in recent years he has held senior management positions as Advisor to Deputy General Directorate of the IESS (Ecuadorian Social Security Institute); National Deputy Director of Management and Control of Peasant Social Security; Administrative Director and Executive Director in charge of the Ecuadorian Professional Training Service (SECAP); Administrative Director and General Technical Coordinator of the Ecuadorian Accreditation Body (current SAE); and as a teacher at Alfredo PĂ©rez Guerrero University, and TecnolĂłgica Empresarial of Guayaquil University. He is currently the Executive Director of the Ecuadorian Accreditation Service (SAE). His solid experience and academic career have forged his leadership and strategic management in the field of accreditation not only in Ecuador, but he has also extended his work by collaborating with global accreditation organizations, as IAF Chair of the Development Support Committee (DSC), Chair of the Management Committee and member of the Executive Committee of the Inter-American Accreditation Cooperation (IAAC), and IAAC Chair of the Working Group of Digital Transformation.

Blair Hall
Measurement Standards Laboratory - New ZealandBlair Hall leads a digitalisation project at the Measurement Standards Laboratory of New Zealand (MSL). He chairs the APMP Focus Group on Digitalisation in Metrology (https://apmp-dxfg.org) and represents MSL at the CIPM Forum on Metrology and Digitalization (CIPM Forum-MD). Blair holds a doctorate in physics from the Ăcole Polytechnique FĂ©dĂ©rale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. He joined MSL in 1998, after working at the Swiss National Metrology Institute (METAS) and lecturing in physics and electronics at Massey University, New Zealand.

Louise Wright
INTI - ArgentinaPhD in Engineering âTECHNISHE UNIVERSITĂT BRAUNSCHWEIGâ. Manager of Metrology and Quality of the National Institute of Industrial Technology of Argentina (INTI) , current vice-president of the âMetrology and Digitalization Forumâ of the International Committee of Weights and Measures (BIPM).

Louise Wright
NPL - United KingdomLouise Wright is the Head of Digital Metrology and Head of Science for Data Science at NPL. In these roles she is responsible for defining NPLâs strategic areas of focus in digital metrology, and for ensuring that learning is shared across different areas of metrology via generic frameworks for tasks that share commonality. She is the chair of the EURAMET TC-IM group on Metrology for Digitalisation, the chair of the CIPM FORUM-MD Task Group on Secure and Trustworthy AI, and represents EURAMET in the FORUM-MD RMO Working Group. Her main area of technical expertise is physics-based modelling.

Robert Hanisch
NIST - USADr. Robert Hanisch is the Director of the Office of Data and Informatics, Material Measurement Laboratory, at the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Since joining NIST in 2014 he has led a transformation in data acquisition and management, moving NIST data products and services toward increased FAIRness. He is active in national and international efforts to increase open science and open data, and currently leads the Task Group: FAIR for Metrology under the CIPM Forum on Metrology and Digitalization. For the past four years he chaired the CODATA Task Group: Digital Representation of Units of Measurement and is currently a senior leader in the Steering Group of the FAIR Digital Objects Forum.

Rodolfo Souza
INMETRO, BrazilPHD in Electrical Engineering from the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, He is currently a researcher in at the National Institute of Metrology of Brazil - Inmetro. Has experience in Electrical Engineering, focusing on electromagnetic theory, microwaves, wave propagation, antennas, acting on the following subjects: measurements in broadcasting systems, wireless broadband access systems, 5G, Internet of things, Digital Signatures, and Metrology for Digital Transformation,

James Fedchak
NIST - USAJames Fedchak received his Ph.D. in Experimental Atomic and Molecular Physics from the College of William and Mary in Virginia in 1994. Before joining the National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) in 2003, he briefly worked in the photonics industry after holding post-doc positions at Argonne National Laboratory developing spin-polarized deuterium targets for nuclear collision experiments, and at the University of Wisconsin, studying ion spectroscopy related to laboratory astrophysics. Between 2007 and 2019, he led the vacuum project at NIST, where he worked to modernize NISTâs calibration services in low gas-flow and vacuum gauges and launched a program to build a cold-atom vacuum standard (CAVS), which is a primary standard for realizing UHV and XHV pressures, and he initiated a program for measuring gas absorption and desorption of materials. He participates in the Consultative Committee for Mass and Related Quantities Working Group on Pressure and Vacuum of the Bureau international des poids et mesures (BIPM). In 2019, he took on a new role at NIST as the Associate Director for Measurement Services and has become involved in the world-wide effort for the digital transformation of metrology, representing NIST on the SIM (Inter-American Metrology System) Technical Committee for the Digital Transformation of Metrology (MWG-14 M4DT) and the IMEKO Technical Committee for Digitalization, TC6.

Ryan White
NRC - CANADARyan White is a research officer and lead for Digital Metrology at the National Research Council Canada (NRC). He serves as the NRC delegate at the CIPM Forum on Metrology and Digitalization and chairs the forum's working group on Metrology Semantics. He is also a member of NCSLI 141 Measurement Information Infrastructure (MII) and Automation Committee.

Charles Ehrlich
NIST - USACharles Ehrlich is Program Leader, International Legal Metrology Program, Office of Weights and Measures, Physical Measurement Laboratory, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). He has been U.S. Representative (CIML Member) to the International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML) for 25 years, first Vice President of the CIML for 6 years; Chairman, Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology (JCGM) Working Group 2 (VIM Committee), Member of JCGM Working Group 1 (GUM Committee). Active historically in the National Conference of Standards Laboratories International (NCSLI) in multiple areas, including metrological traceability and intrinsic standards.

Barbara Goldstein
NIST - USAMs. Barbara Goldstein serves as Associate Director of the NIST Physical Measurement Laboratory, which consists of about 1200 staff and associates, two joint institutes, and realizes and disseminates precision measurements to support commerce, defense and research.
Ms. Goldstein leads the âNIST on a Chipâ program which is developing a suite of quantum sensors and standards to deliver traceable, embeddable measurements directly to point-of-use. She is a leader in international quantum standardization, convening and leading multiple efforts including: IEC Standards Evaluation Group on Quantum Technologies (SEG 14) Working Group 2 (Research); IMEKO Technical Committee 25 - Quantum Measurement and Quantum Information; and a new international collaboration referred to as âNMI-Qâ to foster collaboration among the worldâs metrology institutes to advance the quantum economy. She served as an Embassy Science Fellow in 2021, hosted by the U.S. Embassies in the Netherlands, Denmark and Finland, where she helped foster an industry-driven âtrusted partnersâ network for quantum collaboration.

Martin Koval
CMI â Czech RepublicIn 2015, Martin Koval graduated from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava, where he received an engineering degree in the field of metrology. Subsequently, he obtained the title of doctor in the same field. Between 2012 and 2015, he worked at the Slovak Metrological Institute in the field of primary thermometry. Since 2015, he has been working at the Czech Metrological Institute, where he deals with software validation of metrological devices. Since 2018, it has also focused on digitalization applications in metrology.
He is a member of several working groups focused on software in legal metrology, such as WELMEC Working Group 7 Software and OIML Technical Committee TC5/SC2 Software, and working groups dealing with digitization in metrology such as EURAMET TC-IM M4D, OIML Digital Task Group and BIPM Forum on Metrology and Digitalization (FMD), where he heads the Task Group Harmonization DCC and DRMC.

Claudio Miceli
UFRJ - BrazilClaudio Miceli de Farias graduated in Computer Science (2008), and holds a master's degree (2010) and a PhD (2014) in Computer Science from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. He was chosen by MCTI to represent Brazil at the BRICS Young Scientists Forum in the area of Cyber-Physical Systems (2021). The professor was also awarded the Young Scientist of our state scholarship by FAPERJ. Currently, the aforementioned professor works in the Graduate Program in Systems Engineering and Computer Science (PESC-COPPE-UFRJ) and at the TĂ©rcio Pacitti Institute for Computer Research and Applications at UFRJ. In 2022, the aforementioned professor won the IEEE Hype-Intelligence Workgroup Middle Career Researcher Award for his contributions to the area. The professor's main topics of interest are smart cities, the Internet of Things, Data Fusion, and Security.