September 5th and 6th 2023
Organized by Sim-MGW-14
Conference Topics
- World Quality Infrastructure for Digital Metrology
- Metrological Services Digitalization
- Digitalization on Incubated Projects at SIM
- Tools for Next Steps
Tuesday, 5th September 2023 (15:00 to 19:05 UTC)
Time (UTC) | Topic | Speaker |
15h00 |
Welcome and opening |
Javier Arias SIM President |
15h10 |
Introduction to the block: “World Quality Infrastructure for Digital Metrology” |
Hugo Gasca Chair SIM-MGW-14 |
15h20 |
The SI Reference Point and other digital references in support of measurement services |
Janet Miles BIPM |
15h40 |
Digital Transformation Opportunities for Legal Metrology (OIML) |
Sascha Eichstädt PTB-OIML |
16h00 |
Digital Transformation for Accreditation |
Ferney Chaparro IACC |
16h20 |
Smart Standards |
Nelson Al Assal Filho ABNT Director |
16h40 |
Digitalizing the Scope of Accreditation |
Michael Schwartz NCSLI |
17h00 |
Q&A |
Hugo Gasca Chair SIM-MGW-14 |
17h20 |
Coffee break |
17h30 |
Introduction to the block: “Metrological Services Digitalization” |
Francisco Flamenco CENAM |
17h40 |
Platform for Proficiency Testing |
Soraya Sandoval ISP, Chile |
18h00 |
Towards FAIR research data in Metrology |
Giacomo Lanza PTB, Germany |
18h20 |
Constructing a model for storing data and digitizing reference material certificates |
Dinis Camara NIST, USA |
18h40 |
Q&A and Closing remarks |
Francisco Flamenco CENAM, Mexico |
Wednesday, 6th September 2023 (15:00 to 19:00 UTC)
Time (UTC) | Topic | Speaker |
15h00 |
Welcome and opening |
Hugo Gasca Chair SIM-MGW-14 |
15h05 |
Introduction to the block: “Digitalization on Incubated Projects at SIM” |
Ruben Gil INACAL, Perú |
15h10 |
Software for optical recognition of digital displays - Development and Validation |
Pablo Constantino LATU, Uruguay |
15h25 |
Character recognition applied in reading LCDs of handheld devices |
Isaac Ruiz CENAMEP, Panama |
15h40 |
Consideratons to develop a OCR for electronic displays |
Carlos Galvan CENAM, Mexico |
15h55 |
Digital ThermoHygroBarometer (THB) Development |
Aldo García CENAM, México |
16h20 |
Traceability of vibration measurements in the context of industry 4.0 – Achievements and next goals |
Cristian Muzzio HITEC |
16h40 |
Q&A |
Ruben Gil INACAL, Perú |
17h00 |
Coffee break |
17h20 |
Introduction to the block: “Tools for Next Steps” |
Rodolfo Souza INMETRO, Brasil |
17h30 |
Cyber Security on Smart Meters |
Luiz Fernando Rust Carmo INMETRO, Brasil |
17h50 |
A Secure Architecture for implementing Distributed Measuring Systems: the Brake Tester Case Study |
Eduardo Machado & Rafael Tiribás Rabiega INMETRO |
18h10 |
Platform based services for digital metrology by means of distributed ledger technology |
Federico Grassso University of Berna |
18h30 |
Q&A |
Rodolfo Souza INMETRO, Brasil |
18h50 |
Closure |
Javier Arias SIM President |
Meet our speakers.
We will continue to add speaker details to this page as we get closer to the event.

Janet Miles
BIPM, FranceJanet is Head of the Digital Transformation programme at the BIPM. An experienced metrologist, for many years she was Head of the BIPM’s Publications and Editor of the scientific journal Metrologia. Before moving to the BIPM, her research work in the field of astrophysical spectroscopy gave her a broad background in the physical sciences. Janet is now Executive Secretary to the CIPM’s Task Group on Digitalization, and a member of the CODATA Task Group on Digital Representation of Units of Measurement. She is the BIPM’s contact for the Signatories of the Joint Statement of Intent, and for the CIPM’s new interdisciplinary group, the Forum for Metrology and Digitalization. Today she will present some highlights from the BIPM’s work programme in the field of digital transformation.

Sascha Eichstädt
PTB - GermanyDr. Sascha Eichstädt is the leader of the department “Metrology for digital transformation” at the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) since mid-2021. He received his Diploma in Mathematics in 2008 at the Humboldt University Berlin, and his PhD in Theoretical Physics in 2012 at the Technical University Berlin. He is a passionate metrologist since 2008 when he joined the group “Mathematical modelling and data analysis” at PTB to work on measurement uncertainty for time series. In 2017 he started his adventures in digital transformation of metrology as working group leader of the group “Coordination Digitalization” in the Presidential Staff of PTB. He chaired the EURAMET working group "Metrology for digital transformation” from 2020-2022. Sascha Eichstädt is chairing the OIML Digitalisation Task Group since 2022 and the IMEKO Technical Committee on Digitalisation since 2021.

Michael Schwartz
NCSLI, USAMr. Schwartz completed training at Lowry AFB in 1989 and was honorably discharged after 11 years of service in the US Army. While in the Army, he attended the University of Maryland Global Campus and graduated with a Bachler’s degree in Business Management with a minor in Computer Science.
After leaving the military, he spent five years as Intercal’s lead developer writing automated calibration procedures in Fluke MET/CAL®. There he created an innovative object-oriented approach for building MET/CAL procedures supporting flexible standards.
He went on to found Cal Lab Solutions in 2003, where he created the world’s largest library of MET/CAL® procedures and build automation in various other technologies. In 2015, Cal Lab Solutions released the beta version of Metrology.NET®. Now a mature product, Metrology.NET has proven to be a next generation concept of metrology software built for the digital age.
Currently he is serving to create & define digital metrology standards by presenting papers, creating training tutorials, and/or participating in panel discussions on the topic at MSC, NCSLI, CIM, MSA, MetroInd, and other professional organizations.

Dinis Camara
NIST, USADinis Camara has worked in the Office of Reference Materials at NIST for 16 years. He has led the production and distribution of NIST SRM Certificates making many improvements to represent information from NIST’s diverse materials in a uniform way in the Certificates. His duties also included leading other aspects related to RMs such as Safety Data Sheet production, conversion of safety documentation to GHS, Haz-Mat classification, label production, packaging materials, and e-Commerce. Prior to working in ORM, he created IT programs at NIST including the web code for the first version of the Key Comparisons Database that was released when the CIPM MRA was signed.

Giacomo Lanza
PTB, GermanyGiacomo Lanza, coordinator for research data management at PTB's Library.
His main action fields are the interaction of metrology and RDM, development of standards, metadata and terminologies, and generation and implementation of DMP for European projects. He is active in the German initiative for a National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) and in the user community of the Research Data Management Organiser (RDMO). In his previous employment as a researcher, he dealt with the balance of greenhouse gases in agriculture and animal husbandry and previously with optical spectroscopy of intrinsic fluorescent proteins.

Pablo Constantino
LATU, UruguayHead of the Pressure Laboratory of the Physical Metrology Dept. of LATU and LATU representative to the Pressure WG of SIM. He has more than 30 years of experience in metrology and has several scientific publications in the areas of metrology and uncertainties, as well as in process automation. Regarding process digitalization, he has developed several original applications related to chemical and physical measurements, which are currently actively used in different laboratories of LATU. He is also developer of the free software MCM Alchimia for uncertainty estimation by GUM and MCM, available on the web.

Isaac Ruiz
CENAMEP, PanamaElectronic engineer graduated from the University of Panama. Involved in computer research projects during his first professional years, in 2014 he moved to the private sector as a consultant and software developer. Since 2021, he has been part of the National Metrology Institute of Panama (CENAMEP AIP) with the position of metrologist in the Electrical Area and supporting the digital transformation and automation projects of the center.

Carlos Galvan
CENAM, MexicoGroup leader of the Legth department at de National Metrologya Center in Mexico (CENAM) Carlos is reponsible for the graduated ruleres and optical coordinate machine laboratories at CENAM, where he applies methods with his own developments on digital image processing algorithms for length measurements. It has developed different software for measurement instruments such as the Gauge Block Interferometer, graduated scales bench, Geometrical Adjustments for measurements made with coordinate measures machines, etc.
Carlos has a bechalor's degrees in computer science, and posgrade in Computer Sciencie and Industrial mathematics from the Center for research in Mathematics (CIMAT)
Currently is coordinating the Digital Calibration Certificate (DCC) group at CENAM, the DCC group of WG14-SIM, ans is technicall coach of the CABUREK project on Digitalization for de Iter-American Metrology System (SIM). Participates actively in the Metrology for Digital Transformation at SIM

Aldo García
CENAM, MexicoExperience in development of projects and services for the area of vibration and acoustics of CENAM. Knowledge applied to vibration and acoustics measurement. Experience in calibration services, development and optimization of measurement systems using instrumentation and signal control of various transducers, as well as programming skills, knowledge of standards for measurement laboratories, uncertainty estimation, teamwork, continuous improvement and implementation of Agile models. Active participation in digital transformation topics such as industry 4.0, metrology 4.0, digital calibration certificates, remote sensors and metrological cloud. I currently lead one of the digital transformation task forces under the name of agile projects”.

Cristian Muzzio
HITECCristian Muzzio received a Chemical Engineering degree in 2006 and a Doctor of Engineering degree in 2016, both from the University of Buenos Aires, and obtained a Master's degree in Strategic and Technological Management from the Technological Institute of Buenos Aires in 2022. Since 2006 he has worked at HITEC S.R.L., and currently is the Research and Development Manager. Cristian has been focused on the development of different equipment for measuring physical variables and their integration into platforms for predictive maintenance and process optimization through data analysis using artificial intelligence; he has also been focused on the development of equipment based on NIR spectrometry to detect product concentration and online equipment for color and concentration detection based on UV/VIS spectrometry. He has also published in international scientific journals and participated in several research projects funded by the Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica (FONTAR) that were successfully completed.

Eduardo Machado
INMETRO, BrazilPh.D. student in the postgraduate program in metrology at Inmetro and master's degree in mechanical engineering. He has been working with ISO 17020 accredited inspection bodies for over ten years. He is engineer-chief, advisor and auditor. Currently researching cybersecurity of measurement systems in collaboration with Auge Tech and funded by FAPERJ.

Rafael Tiribás
U. F. Fluminensebachelor's student in Computer Science at Universidade Federal Fluminense. Currently, Rafael is in a scientific initiation project, researching cybersecurity of measuring systems at Inmetro, funded by FAPERJ

Ferney Chaparro
IACCIndustrial Engineering, Business Intelligence MBA
- International Evaluation at IAAC, ISO/IEC 17020 Inspection & ISO/IEC 17024 people certification.
- MLA & MRA at IAAC, International Accreditation Forum (IAF) & International Lanoratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC).
- Accreditation & Conformity Assessment Schema Development
- Management Systems
- Accreditation for Digital Transformation (A4DT) Project Coordinator at IAAC.
- R&D Director at ONAC from 2011 to 2021
- Former President of IAAC Committee for Mutillateral Agreements.
- Former President of ICONTEC Committee and Representant of ISO/CASO Toolbox.
- Currently he is Technical Secretariat at IAAC since 2022

Federico Grasso Toro
University of BernaElectronics Engineer (2010) oriented to automation and robotics from UNSJ, Argentina; and the Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering (2014) oriented to AI for GNSS-based Localization Systems from TU-Braunschweig, Germany. Since 2016 he works on the digitalisation of metrology, in NMIs like PTB, Germany, and METAS, Switzerland, as well as external consultant at GRASSO TORO Digital Solutions. He is currently Data Steward at the University of Bern, Switzerland

Francisco Flamenco
CENAM, MexicoFrancisco Flamenco graduated in Informatic from “Instituto Tecnológico de Tlalnepantla” in 1990. He completed postgraduate studies in Computer Science related to computer networks and distributed systems, obtaining a master's degree in Computer Science at the “Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey” in 1992.
From 1993 to 2001 he has held various positions in IT departments in both industry and government.
For twenty-one years, he has worked at the "Centro Nacional de Metrología", the NMI of Mexico, in the Informatics and Communications area. He has been the Chief Information Officer at CENAM for more than eight years, attending to different topics such as IT Service Management, Data Management, Open Data, and Open Governance.
He was invited by Dr. Ismael Castelazo, a member of the Committee of Weights and Measures (CIPM), to join the Group of Experts that supports the Working Group on Digital SI four years ago.

Javier Arias
SIMJavier Arias studied Electrical Engineering at the Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá (UTP). he finished his carrier as an Electrical & Electronic Engineering at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC), where he also got a Post degree in Mathematics. Later, he earned a Master´s Degrees in Strategic Logistic Management & International Trade at the Universidad Latinoamericana de Comercio Exterior (ULACEX) & Diplomados on Trade Strategic Management and Strategic Management on Human Resources n the XXI Centuty.
He has been certified in ISO/IEC 17025, ISO/IEC 17043 & ISO 19011 international standards. At a professional level, from 1991 to 2021, Mr. Arias worked as a Sales Engineering Manager at Samsung Electronics Panama, later as a Regional Manager at Samsung Latin America. He worked as a Regional Sales Director at Global-Star Satellite Communication Company; as a Commercial Manager at INTERNATIONAL HARDWARE DISTRIBUTORS; and as a Quality & Business Developer Director for GATE TECHNOLOGY & INTER-NATIONAL COMPUTERS; all international companies. Besides, he also managed a small family business in the Technology sector.
Since 2011, he has been working as the General Director of the CENTRO NACIONAL DE METROLOGÍA DE PANAMÁ (CENAMEP AIP), Panama´s NMI, to promote the metrological & Quality Infrastructure of the country.
At a voluntary level, nationally, he participates in different catholic groups & he is the actual President of the Panamanian Night Worshippers. Internationally, he has been part of several Ad Hoc committees of the Sistema Interamericano de Metrología (SIM) since he joined CENAMEP AIP, He is a member of the SIM Steering Council since 2019 y was elected SIM President in 2022.

Luiz F Rust
INMETROLuiz F Rust C Carmo received a B.S. in Electronic Engineering in 1984, and an M.Sc. in Computer Science in 1988, both from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil, and a Ph.D. in Computer Science in 1994, by the Systems Analysis and Architecture Laboratory of the French National Organization for Scientific Research (LAAS/CNRS) in Toulouse - France. From 2002 to 2003, he spent a sabbatical at the United Technologies Company Research Center in Connecticut, USA. From 1986 to 2008, Luiz Rust was an active member of the research team at the UFRJ Computing Center. Since 2008 he is a Senior Specialist at the Brazilian Institute of Metrology and Quality (INMETRO) and currently serves as Director of Metrology and Scientific and Industrial Technology. He is an active professor in the doctoral programs in (i) Computer Science at UFRJ and in (ii) Metrology at Inmetro. He is also at the head of Inmetro's Academic Council. His research interests include information security, software validation for embedded systems, and digital transformation in metrology.

Nelson Al Assal Filho
ABNTHas been in Standardization for 20 years, Currently as Director of Standardization of ABNT the Brazilian NSB, responsible for the standards development, with more than 270 National Committees and 25.000 experts.
I am an UNIDO International Expert in Digitalization helping to digitize and transform processes of Standards Development and Quality Infrastructure to better attend market needs in developing countries such Colombia, Colombia, Peru, Ghana, Tanzania, Mozambique, Ukraine and Albania.
I have participation in the international standardization on ISO International Organization for Standardization, as Member elected of ISO/TMB (Technical Management Board) from 2021 to 2023, and nominated member of ISO/CPAG (Comercial Policy Advisory Group) member elected of ISO/ITSAG (IT Strategic Advisory Group) since 2017 has been dealing with the convergence and innovation on the business model of standards adding digital technologies as well as new approaches to the business model.
Currently member of the ISO SMART Standards Group, developing a new generation of machine readable and executable standards to support the Neoindustralization and Industry 4.0. I have the role of regional representative as Champion for the Americas, and Member as the ISO Climate Change Champion Network.
Former Chairman of ISOlutions from 2010 to 2021, has a major experience in assisting developing countries in adopting digital technologies and information management as tools for a new strategic competitive and engagement approach.

Ruben Gil
INACALRubén is a Telecommunications Engineer, graduated from the Master of Science in Electronics with a major in Automation and Control. He has experience in the development of projects and services in the Gas Flow area of INACAL such as calibrations, verifications, technical expert as auditor of Metrological Verification Units.
He has experience in hardware and software development for the digitalization and automation of measurement processes, actively participates in digital transformation issues such as Metrology for Industry 4.0 and digital calibration certificates. He is a member representing Peru to the Metrology Working Group 14 called "Metrology for Digital Transformation" of SIM and is the current coordinator of the working subgroup "Automation of laboratory processes" of the SIM working group 14.

Soraya Sandoval
ISP, ChileChief of the Metrology Subdepartment at the National Reference Department on Environmental Health ISP-Chile.
Technical Director of the Designated Laboratory of Metrology on Public Health Institute (ISP) at Chile.
Soraya Sandoval is graduated on Pharmaceutics Chemistry at the University de Concepción, Chile, Magister on Management of Health Institutions at the University of Mayor, Chile. Diploma on Metrology on Chemistry at CENAM, Mexico, and Diploma on Environmental Health at the USACH.
She is member of Pharmaceutical Sciences Academia of Chile. She has a rich trajectory on the public service on health chemistry, instrumental analysis, micro-environmental analysis, food policy, quality management of ISO standards and quality management auditor. She has experience as a professor and conference speaker. Expert on Scientific Metrology for Food Chemistry and Production of Certified Reference Material and Proficiency Testing.
Team member of the definition of the PEEC Portal for supporting Proficiency Testing Programs as a means for External Quality Management Programs with the objective of assuring the PEEC Portal to be ISO 17043 fully complaint.

Hugo Gasca
CENAM, ChileHugo Gasca Aragón has a bachelor’s degree on Physics and Mathematics from ESFM-IPN, Mexico in 1989. He obtained a PhD on Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Massachusetts in collaboration with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), acting as a NIST guest researcher in 2013. The same year he started collaborating with Centro Nacional de Metrología (CENAM) as Management Coordinator with the main task of National Measurement Standards Management. He is author of some CENAM’s software tools for uncertainty estimation, consensus construction, transmittance analysis, interlaboratory studies performance evaluation, regression-calibration systems. He also is author of several workshops on applied probability and statistics teaching for CENAM and other NMIs in the region. In 2019, CENAM appointed him as Champion for the Digital Transformation Initiative. Currently he is member of the SIM-MWG13 on Statistics and Uncertainty, Chair of the SIM-MWG14 on Metrology for Digital Transformation and Vice Chair of the IMEKO TC6 on Digital Transformation.

Rodolfo Souza
INEMTRO, BrasilPHD in Electrical Engineering from the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, He is currently a researcher in at the National Institute of Metrology of Brazil - Inmetro. Has experience in Electrical Engineering, focusing on electromagnetic theory, microwaves, wave propagation, antennas, acting on the following subjects: measurements in broadcasting systems, wireless broadband access systems, 5G, Internet of things, Digital Signatures, and Metrology for Digital Transformation,