SIM-MWG-14 invites you to participate in the Annual Conference 2021 “Metrology for the Digital Transformation” that will take place in virtual means on September 1st and 2nd, 2021.
The Digital Transformation is an evolving process that keeps growing in importance for the competitiveness of the economies and the generation of social and economic wellbeing. For this, it is required not only to develop technology, but to establishing new mechanisms of collaboration among the public actors, private actors, and the society in general in the digital realm, to create and generate public goods.
Digital transformation in metrology improves and multiples the impact of metrology and opens new possibilities for metrology development and innovation. It is expected that metrology experiences this transformation with significant changes in its own concepts, services, in the use and applications for its diverse users.
It is necessary to know the advances and challenges that occur in the different actors of the metrological field in a digital transformation environment. For this reason, we invite not only the National Institutes of Metrology but also the calibration laboratories and the industry to share and exchange their experiences and developments.
This year the conference will focus on the following topics:
Digital SI
Digital Calibration Certificates
Artificial Intelligence
Cloud systems
Laboratory automation
Digital twins
We will meet you on September 1st and 2nd, 2021 from 15:00 to 18:00 UTC.
Registrants will receive, upon registration, the connection details for the conference after registration.
We will have two different channels with simultaneous translation (English/Spanish).